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Steve Myers Returns

This week we are featuring a remarkable trip by veteran match and multi-species angler Steve Myers, who had been every year to TopCats from
2012-2018. Unfortunately, Covid times and some health issues kept him away until he finally returned this March, 6 years after his last visit.

Steve, from Berkshire is now in his mid-70’s but kept up a brutal pace booking 2 weeks with 12 days of fishing. He stayed in one of our luxurious Suite Bungalows and spent most of his time fishing our private swims with Doy as his guide.

There are some great fish to go at TopCats including 40 different species, Steve was after every one of them, and his patient style netted him 11 different species, a record for this year but still short of the record set by Danny Bowkis of 14 landed in 2020.

Steve virtually ignored the carp and as you can see by the photos landed some real spectacular fish, including a stunning Juliens Prize Golden Carp estimated at 55lb and a monster Chao Phraya (Shark) Catfish estimated at 150lbs. These fish have not been seen for years.

TopCats asked what his secret were, and he said :

“No real secrets,  try to find out how the target fish feed, and what they feed on. Adapt (as best you can within fishery rules) end tackle, to improve bite detection, with reduced hook and bait size to suite the smaller species. Fish the quieter areas of the lake, cut out the ground bait (because it attracts Mekong/Carp that bully the smaller species), experiment with smaller baits and be patient!

TopCats is fantasy fishing for everyone, as Arnie said … I WILL BE BACK”