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Species Hunt 2022 - New Leader

The species hunt for 2022 is well underway.

This is open to all anglers and is for the customer that catches the most number of species this year at TopCat .

The competition lends itself to anglers that stay in our luxury bungalows.

There are 40 species to go at, but some are very hard to catch due to where they live, what they eat or due to low stocking density. To qualify the species must recorded and photographed.

This year we had 2 anglers tied on 12 but just recently the reigning 2020 Champion arrived for 2 weeks. Danny Bowkis is a long-time supporter of TopCats and a good friend. His previous record was 14 but he managed 13 this time to take the lead in 2022.

Last time he had a stingray but as there are only 3 in the lake that was an incredible feat.

This time the list included : Arapaima, Siamese Carp, Sliver Alligator Gar, Pacu, Chinese Carp, Mekong Catfish, Platinum Redtail (Casper), Gourami, Black Alligator Gar, Ripsaw Catfish, Tambaqui, Amazon and Asian Redtails.