Arapaima are the largest scaled freshwater fish in the world. The species is endangered in its native environment but are breeding well in captivity in Thailand.
We have stocked and reared over 100 Arapaima; the lake record is 420lb.
They are like our pets so please be careful with these delicate fish, always listen to the guides, that means do not change the drag settings or the length of the hook lengths. Try and keep the rod down as the Arapaima are dirty fighters and will attempt to jump to try and shed the hook from their bony mouths.
When taking a photo avoid the head end as a belt from a concrete like Arapaima head could result in a broken bone.
These Amazon river monsters can be caught all over the lake, but there is one premium specialist peg which can be booked solely for Arapaima fishing sessions. This is available to day ticket anglers or to staying anglers that want to upgrade their package. Arapaima Bay is not only good for our monster Arapaima but also houses some of the lake’s biggest predators.
People travel from all over the world to fish on this legendary peg, and it rarely disappoints!!