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TopCats Completes planned Lake Refurbishments

Breaking News!!

Major renovations of the main fishing area are just about finished, hope you can see from these initial pictures it looks great.

Other than a few cosmetic enhancements the work is complete. Erosion caused by the water and burrowing fish meant that the work was necessary. It could only be done when low season and when the water is low. The work involved bank re-enforcements and removal of some troublesome trees. At the same time, non-fishing related, we stabilised the swimming structure as subsidence caused one corner to become unstable

We contracted the work to Home and Villa Renovate. A new company started up by our old guide Tao who along with his partner, Wipas. Highly recommended they keep cost down with an innovative way of sourcing materials from all over Thailand with a team of labourers who are not scared to put in a day’s work.

Feel free to contact us via the website for an introduction.