Popeye Redtail, Popeye Mekong and now Nelson
Many TopCats customers will know our famous named fish and indeed will have caught them at sometime, The Hulk is the biggest fish in the Lake and was stocked at 200kg some 3 years ago and still is yet to be caught, although one day ticket angler is rumoured to have had him on for 2 hours only to lose him.
We have already written blogs about Tyson is the most famous Mekong in the world. He can be caught every day when feeding, but for now we haven’t seen him for a while. The other blog you will see is about Casper, the ghostly albino Redtail who has been out fairly recently. Estimated at about 40lb he fights like the clappers, and you know you have been ghost busted by the end of it
So, we also have 2 Popeyes, one is an Amazon Redtail who seems to live in the Arapaima swim, and one is a Mekong Cat that we saw for the first time in 3 years in December when Paul Winchester caught him, incidentally after catching Popeye Redtail the day before. Sadly both these fish both have been born with some facial disfigurement but they are happy and very distinctive.
Finally, we have a new name to add to the list, Nelson ….
The historians amongst you may know that Nelson lost his eye whist in battle in Corsica, so that is where our Alligator Gar gets has derived his name from.