I could not wait to visit again.
After my first visit in May, I could not wait to visit again.
This time I wanted my wife to experience the opportunity to catch some of these rare sport and game fish. Once again, we were not disappointed.
On my fist visit, I caught some Mekong Giant Catfish, Redtail Catfish, Giant Siamese Carp and Tambaqui (which are amazing fighters by the way).
This trip I was able to see Louis catch a Ripsaw Catfish which I always wanted to see and catch. My wife caught numerous Giant Siamese Carp, Asian Redtail Catfish, an Alligator Gar and the elusive Giant Featherback.
Check out my you tube and view my take on the amazing afternoon.
Once again, we can not wait to visit once more!!! Hope to see you in December.
David Dion 02/10/2021